
Know That Knot?

green ball Can you name these 7 Basic Knots?
basic knots a. Why Knot
b. Overhand Knot
c. Underhand Knot
knot a. Square Knot
b. Figure Skate Knot
c. Figure 8 Knot
knot a. Bowline Knot
b. Square Knot
c. Circle Knot
knot a. Forget Me Knot
b. Cow Hitch Knot
c. Clove Hitch Knot
knot a. Slip Knot
b. Slide Knot
c. Figure 8 Knot
knot a. Cow Nose Knot
b. Cow Hitch Knot
c. Square Knot
knot a. Bow Line Knot
b. Bow Tie Knot
c. Clove Hitch Knot

Click here for answers to the Basic Knots, plus more!

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